Wednesday, February 13, 2008


. . . Would have been 365 days. I could uphold a pretense of shock and disappointment that I did not finish. However, I am waging a war on pretension. So, I will not pretend.

I am not shocked. I do not take picture that often anyway. It was extremely ambititous-- if not all together lofty-- to think I would manage to take one a day.

I am not disappointed. I think it would be interesting to be able to look back on an entire, solid year of my life and remember at least one thing from each day. However, interest does not equate to good or fun, or even healthy. I have a very hard time letting go. I have been known to elect to live in the past instead of moving forward. These are two less than positive judgements of myself that I cannot deny validity. The fact of the matter is, I remember enough as it is. I did not need to take a picture to remember everyday because I remember the ones that count. And I remember them hard. So I am glad that I did not follow through. It might be a step in the right direction for me. This is all speculation-- retrospective speculation at that. However, I think it's pretty accurate. If I were the person I was when I started last February 12, I would have finished. I would have logged everyday.

The less existential and self-searching reason I did not finish is . . .

Come on. Obviously I lack the level of committment needed to undertake such an undertaking. 365 days? That is 1/20 of my life, which I think is a pretty hefty portion.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

La lengua que me martara(accento en la "a" final).

Me encanta el idea de saber una lengua otra que ingles. Aunque, practicar es recorder que palabras no tiene la pesa misma en lenguas diferentes. Quiero encantar espanol, pero no puedo. Es dificil porque no entiendo la origen de las palabras. Por eso, me choca espanol. No tengo historia con las palabras. Es imposible encantar una lengua cuando no comprender porque una palabra es una palabra y quien habia sabido esta palabra. Este idea tiene nada en ingles, y tiene menos en espanol. En realidad, no soy cuidada bastante aprender la historia de las palabras.

Conversation hearts.

Oh, communication via candy hearts. What's not to love? I know what I love most . . . "URA TIGER." Obviously. Rawr.

Please let me have a dog.

I've never been so jealous. Nor have I ever considered stealing from a friend. I just really need a dog, you know?

I'd tap that.


Man, I'm Crush'n.

This is a story about how awesome I am. While in Austin, we visited Amy's Ice Cream. There is a board with a movie quotation everyday . . . if you guess what movie it is from, you get a free crush'n. Well, Friday's board read, "By the end of summer, you'll all be skinny winners." Thank you, Heavyweights. However, this cool story does not stop here. After I got it right, I got to choose the new quotation! You're welcome, Wet Hot American Summer.

Skyline, shmyline.

The Fort Worth skyline always seems so bleak to me. Where is my tall green building?